For Flower Lovers! These soaps are pure single note (most) florals, not mixed with any other scents other than floral. I have tried to make these soaps as true to the flower as possible.                                  
Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 Products)
Honeysuckle Glycerin Shave Soap
Honeysuckle Glycerin Shave Soap
A heavy Honeysuckle fragrance that tends to linger.. it is a must for summer!

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Jasmine Nights Glycerin Shave Soap
Jasmine Nights Glycerin Shave Soap
  The mere mention of jasmine evokes thoughts of warm, Southern summer nights, Jasmine Nights is comprised of top notes of apricot scented...

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Lilac and Lavender Glycerin Shave Soap
Lilac and Lavender Glycerin Shave Soap
  One of my favorites this is a must for the lavender lover. A special blend of lilac and lavender creates this refreshing, squeaky clean scent....

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Roses Glycerin Shave Soap
Roses Glycerin Shave Soap
Roses returns us to an era when antique roses were luminous, voluptuous, and grew with wild abandon. Quartered cups full of rumpled...

$5.99... more info
Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 Products)
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